Marie-Cecile Ganne-SchiermeierLecturer, Wellesley College

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A native of southwest France, Marie-Cécile Ganne-Schiermeier holds a Ph.D. in French literature and an MA in English literature from Boston University, as well as a Licence de lettres modernes from La Sorbonne University in Paris.

She has taught in several institutions, including UMass Amherst, Boston University, Fordham University and Drew University. She is committed to seeking out new and enhanced pedagogical approaches, including the use of technology in the classroom, and is dedicated to teaching and to her students. Her academic focus includes anonymously-authored early modern French texts and her research concentrates on authorship, textual strategies and the fashioning of subjectivity.

Currently, she is interested in Asian Francophone literature and the rise of chocolate as a culinary and social commodity in early modern France. 

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